welcome to Term 4
Hello To our New and Loyal Families!
Alee here, I wanted to thank you for jumping on board with us this term!
We would love to share a few things with you.
Alongside our Values, Connection, Play, Community, Creativity, our number one value is COMMUNICATION.
We like keeping communication open and honest at all times, so that we are able to provide the best learning experience for your child throughout their time with us.
Prior to starting, if there is anything that we as leaders and facilitators should know about your child such as, developmental, behavioural, medical, social or any special considerations, we would like you to feel that you can speak to us at any time.
Additionally, please fill out this 3 question Form to let us know in a bit more detail
We also would want you to be able to trust in the process, knowing that speaking with us along the way, or as soon as you have a concern, actually gives us the ability to plan better lessons and equip ourselves with many more useful strategies in the classroom.
Please note, that communication is part of our Duty of Care as leaders and facilitators while your child is in care with us.
Here are some steps you may like to follow:
1. Speak directly with Alee our ITM Director prior or after starting classes. You can call directly on 0416166013 at any time. Please leave a message if you don’t get through the first time.
2. OR Speak with your tutor to let them know how your feeling after or before class
3. Email Company Director Alethea Dreyer alethea@intothemask.com
What will happen next?
4. Our Director will follow up with an email/phone call/face to face conversation
5. Our tutor will discuss your concerns with the ITM Director Alethea Dreyer following the initial conversation.
What will we discuss?
Alethea will offer feedback and discuss possible strategies with the facilitator so that solutions are communicated effectively and are actioned and implemented by the tutor.
Your tutor will follow up with Director Alethea and together will devise the best strategies and activities within the term to meet those needs and nurture the creative superpowers in your child.
The follow up?
We will follow up with a either a short email or a phone call to discuss them…. and then we will allow the wonderful process to take place!
Another follow up throughout the term to see if the strategies have been effective and if progress is being made. We will do this via email.
Understanding and patience are required as we move into the silly season!
*Please note that our tutors are not trained in special needs and require specific strategies that can be implemented seamlessly throughout their lessons. We are able to provide the best and equal learning experience for all students in the classroom.
How we like to communicate
Our tutors are readily available before class and sometimes after class. You are also welcome to sit in during the classes and watch the lesson and observing your child.
· Absences: it is super important they are aware if your child is not attending the class at all times. It is common courtesy to inform us as we plan lessons and activities that cater to all learning abilities, especially during rehearsal and production periods.
· Following up on progress
· Scripts and Outlines/Resources or reminders
Updates, Events, News and Reminders are usually through
· Email &
· Facebook Community Group - PLEASE CLICK TO JOIN US IN THERE
We would like you to save the following emails in your address book and check regularly for emails.
Communicating our Terms and Conditions
When registering and enrolling your child you have acknowledged and agreed to our Terms and Conditions. Please take the time to read them here https://www.intothemask.com/terms
Communicating our Payment Conditions
Payment is due before the start of class (trials exempt) It is also important for you to communicate to us if there are any concerns about paying on time, or whether you are in need of a payment plan. Open and Honest communication is essential. Late fees apply, and you will be given sufficient warning before payment is due.
Duty of Care
It is important that you know we have your child’s safety at the forefront.
It is our Duty of Care to keep them safe once you drop them off and before pick up from the venue.
Physical and Duty of Care Requirements for our classes:
Water bottle (labelled)
Children are not allowed to run out to the car park or leave unless accompanied by an adult.
Shoes to be worn to and from venue.
Attire: As part of our duty of Care and Public Venue location we require that all students wear All black clothing or the IntotheMask T-shirt to and from the classes. No logos or bright coloured tops or pants. Black Shorts or Leggings, no skirts please.
$25 +gst is the cost of each ITM T-shirt. Please get in touch with Alee (simply reply to his email) if you require a T-shirt and I will personally deliver to your child's class. Please do ask your tutor if you haven't received yours.
Safety of your child
Prompt Drop-Off and Pick Up at the door of the venue. Not in the car park unless a written email is sent to dramaclub@intothemask.com
Different Parent/Person Pick up: It is crucial that you alert the tutor of your child if someone else will pick them up from the DOOR of venue NOT the Car Park.
Please make this known to the tutor before class or in your Enrolmy Portal. Here is the link to your Parent Portal in case its lost in cyber space https://enrolmy.com/login
We have a no tolerance to bullying policy, and a classroom management system of teaching. Please speak to your tutor or Director Alee for more information or at all concerned.
What to expect from Drama?
We wrote a post about it…It can be messy, loud, and is a shared creative space- and sometimes feels more uncomfortable for parents- but super fun for kids.
We’re all about Play and Creativity
Getting to know one another through Drama Games and activities that involve fun, laughter, a touch of silliness, group work, improv and creating and presenting.
we focus on:
Ensemble Building- getting to know one another, creating a safe environment, building trust and acknowledging one another as a team.
Physical approach to Learning- Using our non-verbal communication and creative movement and playful activities that bring about a sense of personal self-expression.
Problem solving and negotiating in pairs or groups to create ways to present a short scene and characters and meaning for an audience- there is always a story to tell and how we tell it is important.
Body Awareness, understanding spaces and communicating through the body.
Audition Prep- shaking off nerves, self-belief and unique approach to a text (Monday Classes only)
* Differs according to ability and lessons planned by tutors
Community and Connection: Well-being at the forefront!
We’re also thrilled to share that our drama school has joined forces with some amazing minds from The Kids Research Institute of Australia, UWA, ECU, and Healthway on a ground-breaking research project called SEW-Arts. This research aims to explore how Arts programs can help boost young people's social and emotional development.
With your permission, and your child’s permission we’ll be collecting some valuable data from your child to support this research. It’s super simple – we’ll ask them to fill out a short, fun survey where they can reflect on things like empathy, compassion, listening, and how they handle feedback. These insights will help shape the future of Arts programs, making them even more powerful in supporting mental well-being.
Why is this so important?
When kids learn to recognise and talk about their emotions in healthy ways, they build resilience, feel more connected, and develop a strong sense of self. We're so excited to be part of something that could make a big difference in how we all approach well-being in the arts.
We'd love for your child to be involved and help us create a brighter, more emotionally aware future through drama! 🎉
Thank you for your support and trust in what we do! For Parent Consent to be part of this research please fill in this form Please Click here only if your child is 9-17yrs
Trialling Students:
Once your trial is complete, we will follow up with you personally to have a chat about how it went and whether or not you will continue. Please remember that first class can always be overwhelming as Drama can be loud of full of young children wanting their voices to be heard. This is normal and we hope that your child has fun, and if they don’t want to continue you wont have to pay anything at all.
Payment is Now Due
Our invoicing system will send auto reminders about payment, but please let us know if you're having some trouble. We do credit card or direct deposit/transfer.
Enrolment Portal.
Here is the link to your Parent Portal in case its lost in cyber space
Venue Reminder:
MELVILLE : Kadidjiny Park Hall, Corner of Kitchener and Curtis street
We can’t thank you enough for choosing IntotheMask Theatre’s The Drama Club to support your child on their journey to learning and development through more meaningful play.
We urge you to please stay in communication with us if there are any concerns or queries.
We are here to support you and we can only do that if we know about the concern immediately.
Join Our DC Community to help our kids thrive!
Again, we would love to welcome you to our DC community on Facebook or Instagram
Please join us Our Facebook Community Group is called IntotheMask Theatre DC Families
Let us know a bit more about your child Here
If your child is 9yrs+ Fill out the Consent form for SEW-ARTS Project Here
Any questions or concerns please don’t hesitate to reach out.
Stay Playful, and I will be in touch again soon!
Alethea Dreyer
Founder/Company Director
SEW-ARTS Well-being Factor Key Area (ages 9+)
Connecting with others is vital for wellbeing and is a protective factor against anxiety and depression. There are various skills that help us connect with others effectively. We will focus on listening, empathising.